Sunday, 2 January 2011

2010 Headers

I was looking at Eve's blog, Sunny Side Up and saw that she had collected together all of the header photos used at the top of her blog during 2010. Realising this was a terrific idea, I did what any self-respecting person would do and, I , err, borrowed it.

So, here are my header pictures from 2010.....


  1. These are the best EVER Gary!!! So glad you "borrowed" my idea!! And Continue to do so each new year!! AH the memories!! Can't wait for the "other places too"!!! Ride on!!

  2. Awesome headers, all suitable for framing. Gosh, we have a beautiful country. Thank you.

  3. Wow! Some great images!! Great reminder of the trip and some wonderful sites.


  4. Some amazing photos there Gary. Thanks for putting them all in one place for our viewing pleasure.

    BTW, Leading Ladies home yet?

  5. Great idea, happy you continue this blog, and do not start a new one.
    As it is difficult to change a URL, why not change the meaning of title, to something like that:
    Gary USA Tour - Gary's Unbelievably Splendid Adventurous Tours :)
    Looking forward to 2011

  6. Some very nice shots ans when you put them all together they make an awesome album.
    Happy New year to you Gary

  7. Very nice. I loved the picts you took on your run. Everytime you changed up the header I just got a tad more envious.

    Cheers and Happy New Year! I think this one is going to be a great better be!

  8. Great shots Gary! There are some good memories in there.

    -Chris @ - year round riding in Minnesota

  9. Great idea and great photos. I never thought about changing the header very often. I like that idea and will probably change mine more than once a year.

  10. Nice series of headers. It kind of reminds of the 1,000 miles post you did. Makes an interesting recap of the whole story!

  11. Eve – Thanks for the idea to do the headers. Your are spectacular.

    Patti – It truly is a beautiful country.

    Lori – Thanks! Looking at them brings back great memories for me also.

    Canajun – No, the Leading Ladies are still stuck in LA! An update posting is imminent.

    Charlie6 – Thank you!

    Axel – Keeping the same blog just makes so much more sense. Maybe not all of them would be splendid, but thanks for the suggestion!

  12. Baron – And a Happy New Year to you too.

    Dave – Here’s to a great year! I hope yours brings you much joy and plenty of challenging bends, but no more that cause you problems!

    Chris – Thanks! I haven’t got any in the snow yet though (and I am unlikely to).

    Oz – Changing the header seems to refresh the whole blog. Go for it!

    bluekat – Thanks. It is a sort of recap, but a shorter version!

  13. These actually serves like a memorabilia of the places you've toured. It is a nice idea and you sure picked those great shots. It is so cool! That is what I like with motorcycles, you can go places with less expenses on gasoline.

  14. Cynthia – You are right, as they are like reminders of the places I was lucky enough to go see. I like the fact it is cheaper on gas as well, in fact touring on a bike can be very cheap if you choose accommodation wisely.


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