Monday, 15 October 2012

Long Live The Kings

Don’t you just love inspirational videos?

This one is about a group of guys doing something as simple as riding motorcycles together.  It is very cool. 

It makes me want to go out and ride.


  1. I've seen the trailer for this one other time and I thought to myself - man that looks like fun. Well, except for the really cold parts.

  2. Trobairitz - Riding in the cold is a problem. Like me, you probably try to do everything possible to keep warm when riding, but it is impossible. I hate it most when it is so cold, you cannot operate the clutch and front brake well. Then its time to find somewhere warm to thaw out for a while.

  3. That why I have heated gear! Great Video, thanks for sharing.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Enjoyed the heck out of this. Think I'll share it.

  6. mmmmhhhh...nice. The mountains were so foggy in the morning. I don't like riding in the cold. It was a good advert anyway, I enjoyed it

  7. Rex – Heated gear? Er, don’t you live in Texas, where it is warm?

    Wooley – It’s a cracker. Share as much as you like.

    Arline – Riding in the cold is necessity sometimes


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