Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Book Update - France In America

My regular readers already know I went on a pretty long ride on my motorcycle across America. It was 21,475 glorious miles of getting to know the country and its people. The journey was a tremendous experience, as I visited 27 different states and witnessed many of the great places America has to offer.

What started out as a simple blog journal of the ride eventually led to the decision to write a book about the road trip and I am pleased to report that book is almost complete. To give you an update, about a month ago, the writing was finished, the photos to be included were chosen, the maps were all drawn and editing was completed.

I then travelled to Thailand to undertake the next stage in the evolution of the book – to create the layout of the book by deciding exactly what goes on each page. Sizing and locating each of the many hundreds of pictures in the best place within the text isn’t easy, so I needed the help of people with considerable experience in this.

My brother Tim lives in Thailand and it was to him I turned for help. He runs a communications company, Inis Communications, that writes, edits and publishes documents to help global health and development organisations achieve greater impact through high quality publications. Tim had helped me with guidance and advice about writing the book and I now needed his help again. Here are the two of us, working on the book....

Tim and his team made the task of creating the book layout very easy and it was a pleasure to watch experienced people at work. At four hundred pages this is a big book, and they worked their way through it with the ease that only experts can. The main graphic designer, Benya, did a terrific job and produced a layout I am very happy with. This is Benya discussing the cover of the book with me....

Many, many thanks go to Tim and his whole team for turning my words and pictures into a fantastic-looking book. I am thrilled with the end results.

You can find out more about the book here.

More updates will follow. The next stage is another area of complete mystery for me - choosing the right printer. Now, just how do you go about that.....?

Next week, I will tell you about fulfilling a promise I made......


  1. Not too much longer and it will be in print. Looking forward to it.

  2. Nothing wrong to ge professionals involved in this. I am sure that the outcome will be exceptional. You are lucky to have this kind of talent running in the family.

    Are you considering book on demand services or do you want to have your book conventionally sold in stores?

    Cheers, SonjaM

  3. Gary:

    Remember that we knew you before you were famous. Now we're going to have to endure long book signing lines and make appointments to see you.

    You are so meticulous with planning, so with experts finessing it, it is sure to be a masterpiece. And I am sure most of us thought you were just going to Thailand for a vacation

    can't wait . . .

    Riding the Wet Coast
    My Flickr // My YouTube

  4. What Bob Skoot said....LOL! Can't wait to read along with your full ride.

  5. Congrats on completing another stage. I am very interested in seeing how it turns out. I guess you will need to plan a book tour here in the States. Make plans to get to Texas, I will show you around.

  6. Trobairitz – It will be so exciting to hold the finished book in my hands for the first time.

    Sonja – It was really good to involve my family. Maps drawn by my son, Jeremy. Editing done by my cousins partner, Helen. Overall advice and book layout by my brother. When you say “book on demand services”, do you mean printing on demand? If so, no, I am going for a reasonable print run size first time around. I will sell it direct from my new website first, then into bookshops / Amazon if needed.

    Bob – My diary is always open for you. My book signing lines (I wish!) can always be skipped by good friends. Thailand was great fun, but lots of hard work, with almost no sightseeing. Having never done it before, it was terrific to work alongside my brother and spend time with his family. Not sure about the masterpiece, but it certainly looks the part. Watch out for next weeks blog announcement!

    Donna – Any couples that I had the honor of meeting in Sturgis can also go to the front of any lines!

    Thomas – Thanks. I think you used to post under a different name on my blog. My wife and I may be in Texas next year. We are planning to go to Biketoberfest in Florida and then the Lone Star Rally, and riding from one to the other.

  7. Gary: Thanks for bringing us all along on your book oddyssey so we can enjoy it in the same vicarious way we were able to share your US road trip. I think we're all anxious to see the final result as awesome as it will be.


  8. I do love the title. And, it has been fun watching this whole thing unfold. I think the one thing I enjoy most is how much you seem to enjoy doing. I, mean, I like doing. And, I like accomplishing things, but, Gary, you take it to another level.

    Keep enjoying doing what your doing and I'll keep enjoying watching you do what your doing. Deal?

  9. Well done Gary - like they say around here, "Go big or go home." Glad to see you are going all out and having fun - can't wait to see it in person. (Enjoyed your new webpage!)

  10. Thanks for taking us along for the ride, looking forward to reading the book.

  11. That is so wonderful that some of that talent is so accessible! What great fun working with your brother, as well as people that can really help.

    I'm looking forward to sitting down with the final product and drooling all over again.

  12. I am so excited!
    And a lot of us really appreciate all the work you have been doing. It has to be an awesome task, but I imagine the work will be well worth it!


  13. Canajun – Glad to hear you are anxious to see it. Not as much as I am though!

    Circle Blue – I must admit, the idea for the title wasn’t mine, but I am very appreciative to the person that suggested it. I like doing as well. In fact I like doing too much and seem to forever have too much to do almost all the time. As for the last part of your comment, yes, it’s a deal!

  14. VStar Lady – There is an equivalent saying over here, but slightly ruder. “Piss, or get off the pot.” And I guess that means pretty much the same thing. Excitement isn’t an emotion that normally features much in my mind, but I can tell you, waiting for the book to be finished is pretty darn exciting.

    Rex – And thanks for your videos. I have selected a couple which will go on the website soon.

  15. BeemerGirl – I can’t say enough what a kick I got from working with all of my family members that helped. That was so cool. Don’t drool, the book isn’t waterproof....

    Jimbo – Thanks. I do hope people appreciate it. When you get the book, you can use it to prove to your wife that Gary is really not the axe-murderer she once thought! LOL.

  16. Gary,
    I picked up your blog while you were making your way through the New York area, so I can't wait to see how it all comes together along with your great photography.

    I remember feeling disappointed that you weren't coming as far south as Alabama, but when you went through Wisconsin and Iowa, I got homesick.

    I can't wait to see your finished product so I can enjoy that amazing ride again!

    Lady R (Di)

  17. Lady R – I am sorry I didn’t make it to Alabama. I have an idea that one day, I will visit all the states I missed first time around. There are no plans to do that you, but it is very tempting. I hope you like the book!


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