Monday, 18 March 2013

Charlie, Smoking His Rear Tyre

Taken by a friend of his, this is my eldest son, Charlie, smoking the rear wheel of his Sportster.  I love this picture!

No, I cannot condone this, but there is a little bit of rebel in us all......


  1. That really is a great shot. Ha ha. I get tickled at youngsters burning rubber. I always think that they must not have bought their first set of tires yet.

  2. It is a great shot, but, like Patti, I have to assume he hasn't had to buy tyres yet. :)

  3. Patti and Canajun - You are both right. He has yet to experience the joy of paying for tyres. Methinks that might now come sooner, rather than later!

  4. Such a great picture. I love the way certain colors are highlighted against the black and white.

    Hopefully his tires were about due to be replaced otherwise the price of new ones might make him think twice next time.

  5. That won't make the rain in the UK go away! Down in Hampshire the best thing to have in the loft is a dinghy to get around on. Now that they've screwed the weather and there's no proper seasons like there used to be, bikers have to travel south through Europe to not get rained on. Most of France too, except for the Côte d'Azur, is the same as the UK these days - continuous and drizzly rain most of the time except for the odd day if you're fortunate. Last summer, when I was biking through France, it was just rubbish. I'm heading myself down to Spain this June on a Suzuki Inazuma 250 tourer. Hopefully, it won't rain on me. If it does, I might just start burning rubber and head even further south - seems that a lot of bikers have cottoned on to the fact that Morocco is the place to go now...

  6. Great picture! I don't think I could bring myself to do that unless I was about to fit new tyres. They cost so much these days!

  7. Trobairitz – He tells me he put water down to make it easier and he only spun them while the picture was taken. A likely story!

    Black Inazuma – It rarely rains in Spain in June, except in the very north. I hear Morocco is a very easy ferry ride from Cadiz.

    Chiller – Quite right too!

    Lizzie – I couldn’t bring myself to do it either, but I’d like to....

  8. Great pic!
    I tell my son he can't go any faster than 25 mph, but does he listen to me? I agree with others, buying his first set of tires might cure that one. :)

  9. Gary:

    stunning photo. I liked the fisheye, HDR effect.

    I've never had a bike powerful enough to be able to do that, plus it's a waste of a good tyre

    Riding the Wet Coast

  10. Great photo shot! How much was that new tire? :)

  11. Excellent shot. Love the fisheye and the angle. A little hooligan is a good thing. Hopefully he keeps it to photo shoots instead of doing something more stupid on the road. :)

  12. Dear Sir:

    I love it how the smoking back tire seems to spell the word "slow" on the pavement. I was ever too cheap to burn up rubber this way.

    Great picture.

    Twisted Roads

  13. This is a great photo!

    The only thing I have to say about condoning this kind of activity is "Did you ever listen to someone your age when you were his age?"

  14. bluekat – There is a very simple rule that applies to young men. Vehicle + independence = speed > parents wishes.

    Bob – I have never really wanted to try it, but no I am tempted. Maybe my bikes are too heavy, or maybe I am just chicken to try it.

    KT – He didn’t actually cause too much wear on the tire as he knew I wouldn’t pay for a new one!

    Eve – I agree, it is a great picture.

    BeemerGirl – There is hooligan in us all…..

    Jack – I think they did a great job in choosing that spot precisely for that reason. You might not have done this, but I reckon Cretin would have.

    Troubadour – Of course I listened when I was that age. I then went and did the exact opposite, but I listened…..


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