Friday, 7 February 2014

I want to ride this road in China!

We all have a road somewhere in the world that we would like to ride one day. Here is mine, the Tianmen Mountain road, located within Tianmen Mountain National Park, Zhangjiajie, in northwestern Hunan Province, China.

What a road!

Enjoy the pictures and if you are like me, you will need to close your mouth as you look at them......


  1. I recall hearing several years ago, that the guy who owns/runs the Harley dealership in Beijing leads a group ride along this road.

  2. Wow, that would be quite a ride!

  3. Charlie6 - Sooner rather than later I hope.

  4. B.B. - It would be difficult not to smile riding this road! Flies in your teeth for sure!!

  5. Gary:

    Those guardrails look really flimsy. I don't know, looks too scarey for me

    perhaps it is only one way at a time until they change lane direction

    Riding the Wet Coast

  6. I have a new "Dream Destination"!! Wooooowwwww!! A year ago I would have said, "I could never do that." Now I say, "I can't wait to do that!"
    Thanks to Steve and 20,000 miles this last year, amazing growth in my confidence and abilities.

  7. so when are you leading the tour gary? ;)

  8. Gary, that does look like an amazing road. Scary as hell but fun at the same time. Definitely a bucket list ride.

    Live Free. Ride Hard. Be Happy
    Live Free and Ride Hard

  9. Egads man, that thing looks hairy.

  10. Bob – No, I suspect it is two way. It looks like a huge amount of fun to me and yes, the guard rails don’t look as if they would stop a motorcycle rider from going over them, but that wouldn’t stop me riding the road.

  11. Tina – Good for you girl! It is amazing that you have just got on and done such an incredible journey. I am glad that change in attitude has happened, for that is what living life to the full is all about.

  12. mq01 - I would so love to lead a tour to that road! How can you read my mind from that far away?

  13. Curt – I agree, you have to aim to do things like ride this road one day. Having a passion for something is terrific, but even better is making it happen.

  14. Wooley – Hairy and Scary, but that wouldn’t stop many from riding it.

  15. UPDATE - A friend of mine here in the UK has gone as far to find out where this road is and where we can rent motorcycles nearby. He is serious about jumping on a plane and going to ride it. Being a sensible, practical, realistic sort of guy, I have thought long and hard about what to do. Maybe, just maybe.....


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