Sometimes, we do something that gives us a great deal of satisfaction. It can be something momentous, or it can be something small, but all the same it is significant enough to make us feel good. Over the weekend, I did something that was just like that – I booked my flights with Virgin Atlantic to the USA for my bike tour!!! 22nd June I fly to New York...... Yeah!!!!
I find travel plans are just that - plans - until the first laying out of real cash for flights or hotels. June 22 will be here before you know it!
Great. It does feel good to make that commitment that seals the deal.
I hope and pray for a smooth & safe flight & landing.
When will you be in Texas?
Canajun, you are so right. Plans are just plans until you do those things. Having now booked the flights and some hotels (including Sturgis) it all now seems real.
Motoroz, I am sorry to say that my route does not take me into Texas. How will you ever forgive me?? It was really hard deciding where to go and where to miss. There were many places I wanted to visit but I couldn't do them all. Texas, both Washington's, the Carolina's and Florida were all places I had to leave off my route. That is unless I take a big detour....
Wow what a great route! I have gone from NY to Denver but have not yet ridden across the whole country. Adventure awaits across the pond.
Am I the first to say "Welcome to the USA"?
What a cool thing to look forward to.
Congratulations and I look forward to following this adventure.
I join Irondad in welcoming you over the Big Pond
Rob - Adventure awaits for sure...
Irondad - Yes, I believe that you are - thanks!!
Baron - Thanks for visiting and also for your welcome.
YOu are obvious a rider ofmy liking. I am From CHcago and have traveled as far North East as the Maritime pRovinces in Canada/as far NOrht West as Alaska -sturgis 12 itmes/Southwest USA and the entire north/South spine of the cnadian/USA rockies adn all those beautiful
states and provinces along the way..I will be elaving the last week of August for Colorada/Utah/Nevada-Death Valley/Clafiornia-Sequoia/Yosemite/SFO/Nappa valley/PCH ( Pacific Coast HIghway/Lassen VOlcano site adn reutrn to Chicago. Where do your plans in Illinois take you trough
Hi Mike,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comment. Wow, you have got around a lot! I am only going to a part of what you have experienced.
For Illinois, I am going to be riding from the southern side of Lake Michigan up to Chicago and then heading north up to Milwaukee.
Well even though you are on a Goldwing I hope that you taek time to stop off ath the New Harley Davidosn motrocycle msueum..It opened in 2008 and even though the entire museum is focused on HD products ( naturally) it is still very interesting and etnertaining for those of us in the biker community. I owned a Wing way back when they were 1000cc mounts and Vetter provided the farings.NOw that is going way back in early Goldwing history. I now ride HD FLHRC ( Road King ) 2008 Anniversary model...Hope to see you while you are in Chicagoland
OOps I attributed you as having a GOld Wing in my last posting.I see now that you ride a HD....So I stand corrected . HOpe I am forgiven. There is another guy riding around the world on a Gold Wing that I am in communication with so this is the source of the confusion....Looking forward to hearing morepost form you about your upcoming trip
Kind of rela late with this advice but in reading your blog about the upcoming trip to the USA, specifically the bike cover-to bring or not to bring- I would strongly suggest that you bring it along for the ride....It does not matter that you are arriving from Englnad or jsut arond the block . YOu basically need just the same amount of clothing change out...It is the distance of the actual trip that dictates the amont of clthing and not fomr how far away you come from...So three weeks in England would rquire the same gear as three months in the USA...That would deftinitley leave room for a bike cover.....It helps to concela the true identity of teh scoot and it also keeps the dust off it at night/dew off the seat in the morning....I have one of those nylon rip stops and never take extedned trips without it...IT can be crushed into a very small amount of space beleive me...It is compactable and it is a terrific item to consider...
Mike - I think I agree with you. The bike cover is now definitely on my list of things to bring with me.
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