After some last minute checking to see if all of my gear will fit in the bike, I took my Harley to London's Heathrow Airport this morning so that it can be flown to New York later this week or early next.
It will get crated and protected in the next day or so and I hope they look after it!
The next time I see the bike, I will be in New York.... cool....
I'm looking forward to reading about the tour.
One of these days....
cool indeed. i don't know how you can squeeze a month's worth of clothes in there, plus all your electronics and Crocs. we are all waiting to see if you have the same T-shirt on in every picture
Wet Coast Scootin
Well that's pretty exciting! I bought my bike from a guy in Ohio and had it shipped on a moving van to Oregon. You're part of a sub group now Gary. Not everyone has their bike transported and knows that feeling of both concern and anticipation. I'm also looking forward to reading about your tour.
Wow it's really happening now Frank!! Yikes!
Woops I mean Gary!!! Sorry about the name goof up...there's a first time for everything!
Anyway Gary I meant to say...How exciting!!! It's really sinking in now that the bike is on it's way!
And now the clock really starts ticking......I, also, am looking forward to your perspective on the roads and sights over here.
when you get off the plane and hit the Terra Firma of North America, can I request that you jump up and down for joy. I want to feel the vibrations here on the Wet Coast of BC
Wet Coast Scootin
not to be a pest but after you rode to the Airport, did you put on your Crocs for the walk home ?
Wet Coast Scootin
Have a wonderful trip. We will be watching for your posts.
Well that's a major step forward. Must be getting excited now.
Isn't that great? Let the countdown begin.
If you need a place to stay in Western, NY then let me know. Hopefully the both of you will have a safe journey across the pond.
Also very much looking forward to the account. Hope that you've contracted the Hell's Angels to provide security :-)
Cool, Gary! Looking forward to watching your adventure unfold!
I cant believe that its finally arrived - it will be the experience of a lifetime and please ride safe and don't be a moron like me!
Thank you all for your kind words. Having never written anything other than technical stuff for work before, when I started writing this blog I wasn’t sure if anybody would read it. I have to say it is really encouraging to see so many comments and this encourages me to keep writing and posting here. So, too all my readers – I thank you.
Richard – We all need something to aim for. I am lucky that I am able to achieve mine, so I am happy to share it....
Bob – LOL – Clothes!!! I knew I forgot to pack something!!! I fear the crocs may need to stay at home. They are very comfy (I never thought I would say that) but alas, probably too bulky.
mq01 – Indeed!!!
Mike – I like the thought of being part of a sub-group. Like a lot of people I don’t like giving control over to complete strangers, but the shipping firm do move about 600 bikes a year so they should know what they are doing. My worry are the people driving forklifts and the handlers at the airport, for they don’t give a stuff about what they are handling – they just want to get it loaded quickly.
Eve – That’s okay about the name thing. I have been called much worst! You are right – shipping the bike now makes it all real now.
AHD – It is ticking very loudly now....
Bob – Okay, I will. My British reserve might want to stop me from doing that, but I will do it. It is 30 miles back home from the airport, on one of the busiest and largest roads (the M25) in London, so I am sorry to disappoint but I didn’t walk, let along wear my crocs. They and I would have needed a re-tread by the time I got here!
Rosemary – Thank you. Knowing that people read what I write gives me a happy feeling!
Canajun – Major yes. Actually, it is also a strange feeling because as my red bike is still in Ireland, for the first time in years, I don’t have a bike here at the house. The weather here is fantastic for riding at the moment, so I am missing my bikes!!
Sonja – It is odd because the countdown has definitely begun, but I am not sure when it ends. Does it end when I get on the plane? When I land in NY? When I collect the bike from the airport? When I start riding around NYC for the two days I have there? Or when I actually start riding on the main tour route?
Rob – That is very kind of you. I will contact you when I get nearer to see if I do need a place or whether we can meet up if I am near.
Geoff – I hope I don’t need any security, but if I do, I will give them a call....
Dave – LOL. By the time I get to CA my ass will be rock hard from all that riding! I am hoping soon to get in the FLHX Dave frame of mind for riding. I am still stuck in the detailed planning stage at the moment, being careful not to forget to bring anything I might need, but when I read “When you go on a ride you do what you want, when you want” this really struck home with me. The 400 mile offer is terrific, so thanks. See you in California (try to understand how great it feels to be able to say that!).
Chuck – Thanks and I will try to take just a few photos that match the quality of yours....
Ian – It has crept up really quickly! I will try to be safe. I hope you get the bike sorted soon. I felt for you.
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