I am interested to discover what items bikers have bought for their motorcycling.
If you had to name one item as the single best thing you ever bought for your motorcycling, what would it be?
I will collate and write about the answers.
RV Issues
18 hours ago
My Shoei RF1100 helmet, it is quiet, comfortable and well vented. My old helmet was heavy and noisy. What a world of difference!
The single best thing I ever bought must be my Rev'It Energy Textile Jacket (waterproof, windproof, breathable, ventible) and my pair of Rev'It Textile Trousers (waterproof, windproof, breathable, ventible). Great for touring! The trousers have a high back to them to stop the lower back getting cold or exposed whilst riding and the jacket and trousers zip together by means of a short connection zip at the rear. I bought the jacket and trousers around 2 sizes up to get a really comfortable fit. Comfort, you can beat it when motorcycling!
NZ-made "Rider" brand aftermarket seat custom-made for me! Transformed my Blackbird from a 300 km numb bum bike to one that I could literally ride all day, only stopping for gas. Best 500 bucks ever spent :-)
Only just last week, I bought a pair of heated gloves with built in battery packs (Gerbing Hybrids). These keep my thumbs warm where heated grips do not and there are no trailing wires.
I really have to go with my helmet.
Due to arthritis in my hands, my biking days are over but my helmet use lingers on. Now it is useless as a sun bonnet but it is jam up as a "tornado hat". I live in a state with more than our share of the giant wind storms.
Most tornado deaths come from head injuries but with my bike helmet on as the winds howl, I may look strange but I feel safe and secure----plus as I tighten the straps, for a moment, the roar of the wind becomes the roar of the bike. Ahhh.
The best purchase I ever made for motorcycling has to e my custom molded earplug speakers. They are a true multi purpose item. They block a lot of road noise and allow me to enjoy some music on my rides. I got mine through plugup.com. I love them!!
Two words: 'Heated grips'
If nothing else my bike has to have heated grips.
Although I'm thinking after reading Nikos comment maybe it should be "heated gloves" my thumbs get cold,
I was going to mention the recent motor upgrade I had done on the bike. But I think your question is more about accessories if I'm reading you right. In that case, I'd have to say... the 12v charging port I added last year. Charges my cellphone, iPod, and GoPro batteries while I'm on the road.
I just added a EMGO travel Trunk to my bike. I needed the storage since I commute all the time and it will be nice to have some storage. I was just about to do a right up of it today in fact for my blog. :)
I can't decide between heated grips or heated jacket, so I'm gonna cheat and say ... heated gear!
Heated grips and grip covers....
Other than gear to ride in and bike safety supplies, its my Cruzer Cady. Silly to some, but I learned my lesson in the heat one year...having a bottle of water right in front of me reminds me to hydrate as I ride. I never leave home without water in it, even in the cold.
First off Gary, I am truly enjoying the book. It is first class and a great learning tool. I'm learning cool stuff about my own country I had no ideas about. Sometimes it takes an outsider to bring attention to things in our own backyards.
I just got a new GoPro and can't wait to learn to use it. Though to answer your question I would have to say my MSF rider course. It was the best thing I could have ever done for my bike and myself.
After much thought, I'd have to say the flashing LED brake lights. I've gotten comments not only from other riders but cage drivers saying how visible they are as opposed to a regular brake light.
I'm thinking windshield. After decades of riding without one it took some getting used to but the benefits of weather protection, plus less exhaustion at the end of a long ride have made me into a convert. I just bought a new Airhawk seat cushion which, if it works as advertised, may bump the windshield to second place - we'll see - but for now I'll go with the 'shield.
(And ditto WoolyBugger on the book. First rate!)
Since your questions was "
If you had to name one item as the single best thing you ever bought for your motorcycling, what would it be?" I thought I would say my motorcycling has greatly improved when I bought the Yamaha FJR 1300, but I suspect you meant something other than the bike itself. I would say my J&M audio/CB system. I love playing my MP3 through it, the NOAA weather channel and the communication when with a group.
The Wolo Bad Boy horn for my Vespa is a continued success story and wake up call for all the phone addicts and soccer moms around me.
My bike as a reputation for being "unsteady" on corners, rough roads or wind buffeting. Most farkles are for comfort or convenience. This is the only safety item I acquired.
It was the Richland Rich Fork Brace and it has made a tremendous difference in the wind, on imperfect roads and my bike seems much surefooted and has a steadier stance
Riding the Wet Coast
As the wife who waits for the dedicated rider to return, I say the single best item ever purchased by Dom (Charlie 6) was his moto port jacket and pants. About a month after this safety splurge the phone rang with the opening remarks of "don't worry I am ok". His bike met ice and his shoulder hit concrete. The jacket allowed him to walk away without a scratch.
I have to say heated gear, because if you're not comfortable, you're not riding safely.
Tough call...for bike trips it has to be the windshield. Although the new Mustang seat is a close second.
Heal toe shifter
Many thanks to everyone for responding to this. I have combined the answers with those I got on Twitter and have written my conclusions in a separate post.
Use to clean my windshield and any plastic on my motorcycle.
Been using Plexus for years and I always have a can with me. It is fantastic!
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