Friday 24 May 2013

Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials.

I have wanted to go to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah to see the Motorcycle Speed Trials for a while now.

Guess what? This year my wish is going to be granted. I will be there this August.

To stand on the salt, watch and listen to the bikes trying to break speed records will I am sure, be quite a thrill. I am looking forward to this!


Unknown said...


This sounds great ! I hope it won't be too hot for you

Riding the Wet Coast

Steve said...

Mate, this last couple of years you really have been living the dream.

Canajun said...

Very cool. Also on my bucket list but I expect it won't happen for a while yet.

David Drouin said...

That sounds like it will be an amazing experience.

Is that the place Anthony Hopkins's character in "The World's Fastest Indian" ends up going to break a record with his bike?

Gary France said...

Bob – I hope so too, but I suspect it will be.

Canajun – I sincerely hope you will be able to tick this one off your list one day.

David – It most certainly is. That is part of the reason I am going.

Gary France said...

Chiller Tek – You are right about living the dream and I consider myself fortunate to be in a position to do that. It is due mainly to the fact that my father died when I was a small boy and meant I had to work from the age of 16 to help pay for the family needs. Having to miss out on so many things when young gave me the single-minded determination to work very hard and be successful in my career so I could enjoy life when I (hopefully) retired early. That determination to do well shaped my life and has resulted in having my fun later in life instead of when I was a young man. Now I have retired early, I am determined to cram as many great things in as possible!

Trobairitz said...

Congrats Gary. You are going to have too much fun. Can one have too much fun?

Now how will you contain your excitement until August? Have you begun the countdown? It will go from x number of weeks to x number of sleeps before you know it.

VStar Lady said...

Gary - glad you'll be checking another one off the dream list, you deserve it.
(Every time I hear Bonneville Salt Flats, I can't help but think of the Toyota driver I saw, sitting hubcap deep in the salt - everyone thinks they can race the flats. Don't walk where the signs ... say "don't walk.")
Enjoy the dream - I hope my sons are able to do the same.

WooleyBugger said...

Guess I'll have to live that dream through you. I came close with a team but as it goes I haven't been.
Cram it in man, cram all of it in while you can.

Gary France said...

Trobairitz – The simple answer is no, one cannot have too much fun. I am still at the weeks stage and BTW, it is just a little over five to go. Wow, just five weeks….

VStar Lady – I read some guidelines for first time visitors to Bonneville and it said much the same thing - go only where you are directed. Have you been? I too hope your sons enjoy their dreams.

Wooley – I like that…. “Cram it in man, cram all of it in while you can.” I will drink to that tonight when I have a beer (at just before 8 in the morning here, it is still a little early yet….)