Not to worry, my wife and I agreed to go the south of Spain where the weather will be much better.... blue skies.... walks on the beach..... heaven.
That was the aim. We arrived last Wednesday. 6 days ago. Guess what. It has rained every day. I don't mean just a little light rain, but it has chucked it down. Cats and dogs type rain, plus a few cows thrown in as well.. Torrential. Today the wind came up as well. Forget the walks on the beach! Standing upright was challenging enough.

I just looked at the medium range forecast for the next 7 days. It is going to rain every day!!!! I give up. I will try to take some pictures of the weather tomorrow. Until then, you just get a bucket.
Figures. I thought this kind of stuff only happened to me. I hate rain. Sorry for your situation but I at least find some sort of perverse comfort in it.
Seems to be happening to people all over the planet Gary. We came to Texas and planted ourselves right on the beach of the Gulf of Mexico, planning on the same kind of "heaven" that you were planning on. NOT! It's been freezing cold, torrential rains that don't let up for days, extremely high winds and gray gloomy skies "sprinkled" with a day or two, here and there of sunny, beautiful days...but, still not warm enough for a swim. Things that make you go "hmmmmm".......
What a bummer. Seems, that there are no good weather conditions anywhere... send you over some warm and dry thoughts. Cheers from Alberta
Sorry to hear of your bad luck. Three days ago we had 12 inches of snow here in the North Texas area! It was a record breaker.
Mother nature seems to have gone a bit nuts on us all. Take a look at the winter Olympics with no snow. And someone noted that last weekend every US state but 2 had snow, while we haven't had any here for about 3 weeks. It's crazy.
Irondad - I enjoyed reading the post on your website about "What's a little rain". I don't often ride in the rain, but it seems you do a lot me than me!
William and Mary Ann - I am sorry that you are going through the same things. WHen you go on a vacation especially to get some good weather and it doesn't happen, you sometimes feel a little cheated. Ah what the heck, lets just get on and make the most of it.
Sonja - Your warm and dry thoughts just arrived and some blue sky appeared for a short time!
Oz - Weather records seem to be happening everywhere at the moment.
Canajun - It certainly is crazy. I was pleased for Canada when they won their first gold medal on home soil.
It does seem that the worlds weather has been particularly odd recently. I agree with William and Mary Ann that these events do make you go Hmmmmm..... Are these a real sign of global warming and are these severe weather events here to stay? Take a look at Mongolia recently. They have had such severe weather than between 1 and 2 million livestock have died in the snow. It snowed in Seville in Spain a few weeks ago - it hasn't done that for 50 years. In London we had the most snow for 38 years. 12" of snow in Texas! There are many examples such as these. Is this just a co-incidence or have we so affected our planet that these events are here to stay? It does make you wonder if we are being told everything.....
it sucks to get torrential rain, esp while on vacation. What to do, what to do while stuck in your hotel room with your wife on a rainy day with no plans . . . I think Irondad wrote about this recently.
Global warming is working wonders here in Vancouver, where there is not enough snow and they have had to cancel competitions. We have the warmest winter in recent history.
here's hoping the sun comes out for you before you leave
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
Nexus is a program for frequent border crossing people to get pre-cleared.
here is the link to the Border Security website:
You apply for Nexus "status". Your application goes to the RCMP for you to get "checked" out. If you are not a criminal, etc then you get approved. Next comes the personal interview which takes about an hour, complete with photos of you and they take your finger prints. Then you are issued a transponder which you flash at the receiver as you enter the border crossing. There are special lanes at the border for NEXUS holders only. It can save you a lot of time by having a NEXUS card. At the Peach Arch Border Crossing the regular line could be 2 hours or more, and a mere 10 minutes through NEXUS. We also did the IRIS SCAN. on our recent trip to Hawai'i they have special IRIS scanning machines in the customs area. NEXUS holders with IRIS scans can by-pass all the security lines and go directly to a scanning machine. Takes about a minute and you are issued a clearance card which admits you into the airport secured area. With an Airplane of over 300 people, only a handful use the IRIS scan machine, which makes your line very short.
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
I now fully understand. Thank you for your detailed explanation. It sounds like a good system. We don't have the full system like you do, but we do have the retina scans in the UK.
Gary, just don't kick the bucket in the dark of night. That would add both insult to injury! Our week long spell of dry, warm and sunny weather in the Pacific Northwest has finally changed to our more accustomed rain. Just wanted to let you know so you can feel a little better -:)
Thanks Chuck. I am not really feeling better know that a fellow blogger is getting rained on! It is our last day here in Spain before returing to London. It has rained every day for the 2 weeks we have been here and the locals here have said since 18th December it has rained every day and that 3 years of rain has fallen in 2 months!! Remember this is southern Spain where it hardly ever rains. The golf course are closed, some roads are washed away, houses are flooded. Never mind, as we are returning home, the sun will come out today and it will stop raining now!!!
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