The other day, I had a conversation with a friend about what was the best motorcycle related item each of us had ever bought. For me it was easy to answer.

To dry a motorbike properly after it has been washed takes a lot of time and effort, but with an Air Force Blaster, the job is done very quickly and much better than can be done by hand. The Air Force Blaster works really well on my Road King, but on my red custom bike, with all of its nooks and crannies, it is even better. At about £200 (or $300) it isn’t cheap, but in the long run it is worth every penny. It has an air flow of 29,250 ft./min or 828,000 litres per minute and it comes with a 10 foot flexible hose and different shaped attachments, but I have always just used the standard rubber nozzle and that works perfectly well for all situation I have encountered.
It blasts warm air which is great for when your hands are freezing cold from washing your bike. I can dry my bike in about 7 or 8 minutes with one of these. The real benefit is when drying my Road King which has laced wheels – a complete pain to dry properly by hand, but really easy with the Blaster. The rally good thing is it gets rid of water that you wouldn’t even be able to see normally – its blast is so strong that it will find ANY water on your bike and shift it.
Here is the video....
I can highly recommend them. My test for gear and or gadgets would be – if it broke, would I buy another? The simple answer is yes, straight away.
our minds must think alike. When I had my muscle car I got the idea from a friend to use some soapy water and spray it into the nooks of my engine compartment. The idea being that the soap acts as an emulsifier to attract the dirt that cannot be cleaned by a normal "hand Job". Then I would finish the "blow Job" by using my compressor to get rid of the water, which of course, would take the dust and dirt with it. I have a relatively small 8 gallon 2,000. psi compressor with a wand to be able to get "down deep" into the depths of the engine bay, and just "let it blow" . The wand of the compressor was also good to detail the inside of your car, dash and other spots where a "hand job" will not suffice, esp the air con louvers.
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
I posted some pix of my Lenmar mini USB charger for you
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
Bob - I might try that on my cars to clean the engines. Thanks for the clothes peg charger pictures.
Gary, I use my shop vac.. it sucks. It also blows at: 28160 feet/min. It also works great to clean out the gutters.
Blow job, hand job? Are you sure this isn't a con job? You know, trying to boost your search engine hits?
By the way, what is this thing called washing a bike?
Chris - A shop vac would do the same job - anything that makes drying faster has to be a good thing.
Irondad - I hadn't thought of that! Remembering your posts I seem to think you wash your bike by riding it in the rain.
you mean you're not supposed to wash it in the rain?
Chris - Silly me. It slipped my mind that you must have been referring to your Ural and the Russian Owners Manual that comes with it specifically instructs owners to wash them in the rain, or indeed the snow!
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