The road was wonderfully twisty. The sort of road you don’t ride very often. There was another bike pushing up behind me, tempting me to keep riding.
Or should I stop and take pictures of the wonderful mountains I was riding through.
This was the road....

I cranked the throttle open a bit more. The bike behind me dropped back a bit. I leaned left, then right, hard on the brakes, then a hairpin, throttle wide open as I came out of the bend and rode hard. The bike behind me was still there. Close. I could almost see the smile on the riders face in my mirrors.
I really should stop. That view that just rushed by was spectacular. Too late!
But just look at this road! I kept going. The other bike and I were having great fun. Almost like playing tag.
I couldn’t stop now. I had to keep riding. We were both riding hard and it was fantastic!
I rode on, up the mountain, over the pass and down the other side.
We slowed down coming into Loma. The other bike pulled alongside as we rode. His face was beaming and he was giving me the thumbs up. He obviously enjoyed it as well. But wait – he had a pillion! He was obviously a good rider to do what we had just done, two-up!
I pulled over to get a coffee and to let my pulse slow down a little. The other bike pulled into the gas station as well. I had just ridden my first Colorado Pass! At speed. Almost no cars about. What great fun!
The other rider, Bill and his wife Jo Ann came over and said hello. They were from Omaha, Nebraska. Smiles all round....

Standing there in the gas station, I realised I would have to go back and take pictures.... It was 34 miles in each direction, but it would be worth it. I said my farewells to Bill and Jo Ann and set out back along the road I had just ridden.... Here are the photos I took....
The long road back to the mountains....

Getting nearer....

The Leading Ladies among the foothills....

Enlarge this photo by clicking on it to see the road going through Douglas Pass....

I had just ridden down from up here.... wow.... see the yellow arrow,,,,

If this is what Colorado was going to be like, then I might be here some time!
I didn’t really know what to expect, but I then went to the nearby Colorado National Monument. This was a late addition to my route, but I am really glad I added it. It is one of those places that is understated and I hadn’t heard of before I was nearly finishing my tour planning.
As I rode up to the park entry point, it seemed that I wasn’t going to be able to see the monument on this day, as a huge sign proclaimed the park to be closed today. But then the sign scrolled round and the next screen said... until 2pm. Well, considering it was now 1.50pm, I didn’t have long to wait. In fact, as I rode to the gate, the park magically re-opened early, just in time for my arrival.
I pulled over and fixed my GoPro camera to the bike to film the ride in the “Monument” as it is known locally. This is the result..... enjoy the video.....
So, the video will have given you a taster of the views. Here are the photos I took....
Note the road in the bottom of this canyon in the first photo. I had just ridden on that road on the ride up to the top.....

The erosion carves such dramatic shapes and forms canyons that would be great to explore on foot if there was time.
I will let the pictures speak for themselves. Another fantastic place to visit and ride through....
I was tired at the end of this day and I stayed at a motel with a great name – the “Rusty Cannon”, in Rifle. I rode some of the way on I-70. More about that road tomorrow!