For England, we are having a lot of snow at the moment. It is cold. I saw a temperature of -11.5C the other day. Oddly this is almost the same amount in Fahrenheit -11.3F.
My red bike is stuck in Ireland, awaiting the weather to improve so it can be road tested after having some work done on it. The Leading Ladies are still stuck in Los Angeles (update to come later).
Having no bike and having weather that means I cannot ride anyway this is obviously the right time to think about..... a road trip!
I have decided that with a few friends, a ride across Spain is needed. Oh, the warm weather, the mountains, the twisty roads.... it should be terrific.
Here is the route in outline....
My friend Paul who rode with me for two weeks at the beginning of my USA tour has said yes to doing the ride. So has my pal Ian Solley of 7 Ages Custom Motorcycles. Martin and Joanna who I met when riding to Austria a couple of years ago are thinking about joining us. Jackie and the other non-riding partners with fly down and be there when we arrive.
We will get a ferry from Portsmouth to southern England to Santander in northern Spain and then ride on the eastern side of the country all the way to southern Spain, spend a few days at my house there before riding back through Spain on its western side. En route we will be staying in Paradores which are Spanish hotels in Castles, Palaces, Fortresses, Convents, Monasteries and other historic buildings.
I have mapped out the basic route and it looks like being over 2,000 miles.
Roll on summer!
MOST Hearing Is Wednesday
22 hours ago
Brilliant idea to make plans for next summer. I am currently stuck in Germany, which is likewise covered under a white blanket, and try to keep my sanity by dreaming of past and future road trips. Cheers, SonjaM
Oh! Life is so rough while deciding on a road trip... :) It sounds like a phenomenal trip. Have fun. And believe it or not...but we are covered in snow it Atlanta too! :) -Lori
PS. Hope the Leading Ladies return home is making progress.
I agree with Sonja: This is a most excellent idea. I, too, am not able to ride because of the snow, but I do have a bike. And, I hope to be back on the roads, soon.
Season's Greetings from the Heartland of the USA.
I'm looking forward to it Gary! Will be nice to see Paul again and meet Ian and the others!
Personally....I just can't wait for summer!! It's too cold here in the southern US for me to ride! :-(...been snowing here for two days! Well, the folks here were happy to have a white Christmas, but I've seen enough of them!
Have a great New Year!
Ohh yes, warmer weather and salt-free streets please come. My big ride next year will be to Biograd in Croatia. Really hope to find a chance in 2011 to meet you.
Looks like a great ride Gary! I'm already looking forward to your future mountain photos! A shame on the two bikes being unavailable. We're covered in several feet of snow; I'm still out riding >:) Looks like we finally have some blue sky. I haven't seen it in a few days. too many clouds!
-Chris @
in the sierras near, somewhere between pamplona and zaragoza, is where my family is. :) ahhhh... FABULOUS GARY!! im so excited for you, and to read all about this!!!... ROADTRIP!!
ps, happy holidays!
Sounds like a great road trip Gary! You'll be starting a new blog for it right?
Colorado Motorcycle Travel Examiner
Redleg's Rides
I look forward to following your next adventure with interest. Spain is on my bucket list, hopefully for next year, so perhaps our paths will cross at some point. Unfortunately I don't expect it will be on two wheels though.
Hope you had a Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2011. Let the planning begin!
And just to nitpick, -11.5C is actually +11.3F. The line crosses at -40C = -40F.
yep looking forwards to this! - And Axel I am also going to Biograd for the Harley Festival and trying to persuade Gary to join us.
Should be a great trip. I have already started planning my summer 2011 trip. Planning is a good way to spend some time in the winter.
Yay... another road trip! I can't wait to go along (albeit virtually!)
It was fun to keep up with you while you were riding across our United States, because I would recognize a lot of what you posted about. I've never been to Spain and I'm so excited to see that country through your eyes. Especially when you talked about the "Paradores". So looking forward to it!
Come on summer!!
Gary & Jackie
have a great vacation in Spain. I am positive that the weather there, is better than here. Right now we are below Zero (celcius). Hope you get your bikes back soon, either that or you could just ADD to your fleet, never hurts to have a spare around.
Happy New Year to you all
Wet Coast Scootin
Sonja – There is no better way of dealing with the winter blues than planning what to do in the summer. I hope you made it back to Canada safely.
Lori – Snow in Atlanta?! I bet that doesn’t happen often. Sadly the LL are still stuck. Sigh.
Keith – Having a bike helps when it comes to wanting to ride! I hope to get mine back in 2011.
Eve- Snow at Christmas – what fun. I liked your Christmas day photos on your blog.
Axel – It seems that we will be able to meet in Biograd, for I have decided to go to the Croatia rally!
Chris – I have been enjoying watching you ride in the snow and your PBC. Keep it up and I hope you do get some blue sky soon.
mq01 – I will wave at they as I ride by! Happy New Year to you!
Charlie6 – No, I have decided to keep posting on this blog about my future biking. Having two blogs has its attractions, but the benefits of keeping just one seems to outweigh those benefits.
Canajun – Well spotted!
Ian – Well done – you managed to persuade me!
Canajun – I hope you make it to Spain in 2011. Happy New Year to you!
Oz – Summer road trip planning is the best way to spend some of those cold winter days.
Lady R – It will be my pleasure to take you along virtually with me so I can show you the country.
Bob – Hmmmn. I have been thinking about another bike..... Happy New Year to you.
This should make for a fabulous trip and I am looking forward to following it on time, this time. I am still catching up on my reading of your USA road trip
Gary, I am only going to say what every one else is thinking.... Bugger , wish it was me!
I hope your bikes return soon, perhaps you should plan atrip down under. I know a great pub....oops......i digress.
Raftnn – It is still cold here but at least the snow has gone. Having a long ride through Spain coming up in 6 months time makes the current weather seem more bearable as I can at least look ahead to the sun! I am planning a trip down under, but that won’t happen for a while. NZ and Australia are both climbing nearer the top of my list of “want to see places”.
Baron – I am looking forward to it to! I hope you have caught up with the rest of my USA tour now, but there is a lot there!
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